Thursday 8 March 2007

Class 3's first reflections on caring for (Lewis) RealCare Baby

I enjoy it when Lewis is sleeping. It will be fun and a laugh watching other people cope, though it is different when other people are watching you! I am worried about changing Lewis' nappy but I think I'll be good at feeding. When you change the baby's nappy he knows that he has been changed because of the sensor. It’s the same with the bottle. I think I'll feel like a dad; apprehensive, surprised at having a child, and happy. I'll feel bad if the baby keeps crying and I don’t get to work in the morning. I will need to keep rocking and checking on him.


The virtual baby was something I did not enjoy, I had a few laughs but Lewis was too much attention that I didn’t have time to give. My work did not get done because I was holding a bottle for about half the lesson.

It didn’t make me feel more responsible (I am responsible for a lot anyway). I did see others with it however and they really opened up because they enjoyed the experience.

I wasn’t very good at it but I was persistent, I never ignored the baby, but I don’t think I did that well. Caring for Lewis for a couple of lessons totally puts me off caring for him overnight due to the fact that he either wakes up once during the night or half the night.

The program does however make you realise some of the responsibilities that I would have to take up and the luxuries that I would have to give up.



Anonymous said...

I think you have hit the nail of the head when you say, “make you realise some of the responsibilities that I would have to take up and the luxuries that I would have to give up.”. I think being a parent means been totally selfless , and giving up a lot for the good of your child, Good luck with the rest of the program, and I look forward to reading more

Stephen power

Anonymous said...

I think you have hit the nail of the head when you say, “make you realise some of the responsibilities that I would have to take up and the luxuries that I would have to give up.”. I think being a parent means been totally selfless , and giving up a lot for the good of your child, Good luck with the rest of the program, and I look forward to reading more

Stephen power

Anonymous said...

Im Having One Soon Too...

Anonymous said...

I had one of these and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. it was set on medium and i just had it overnight. upsettingly, i only got a 76% on it but it turned on while i was on a school bus so it was VERY difficult.