Tuesday 13 May 2008

Luke cares for our RealCare Baby

My experience with the RealCare Baby was extremely good.

The task for my Preparation for Parenthood qualification was to look after her for the whole day. I had to change her nappy, breastfeed and burp her.

It made me realise how sensitive I was when I was younger. Her weight was as real as a real baby’s. I already had experience of caring for a baby, with my wee sister.

My score was 80%. I could do better if I knew what to do and when, but a baby doesn’t let you know!

Thursday 27 March 2008

Caring for the Baby

When I had the baby it was funny because all the staff in the dining room were laughing at me and joking when it was crying.

I called the baby Jimmy Bob Jason. It was quite a funny name but it made people laugh. I had a little fob to put at the baby’s back when it began to cry and when you did this it would make a beeping noise. The beeping noise meant that the baby knew you were there and would respond to you.

The baby hardly ever cried, it was always asleep and making cooing noises. When it started to cry for the first time I began to panic a bit but once I got used to it was quite alright. It got easier the longer I had it.

I had to feed Jimmy Bob, change him, burp him and rock him. It was fun and exciting having the baby but it was hard work too. I’d have him again even though it was hard work looking after him and doing school work at the same time. It was great.

Written by Stephen C